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Friday, August 17, 2007
The Breaks are Good, Tires Fair.

Most of what I know about early or "primitive" cultures comes from games like Age of Empires or Civilization. For instance, I know that pottery always comes before grain storage and that every once in a while some spear-wielding, barbarian, warrior will shoot down one of your F-16s.

I also get the sense that one requirement for technological advancement and industrialization is specialization. That is to say that to bring about all the playstations and internets and Automatic Teller Machines requires highly skilled people. People who really only have time to develop the (bow hunting) skills necessary to bring these wondrous devices to life. Therefore you have a lot of people using a lot of equipment, who know next to nothing about how they work.

This is why I allow mechanics to rape me. I know very little about my car. I do know that it always seems to cost way more money when I bring it in working than when I bring it in broken. I feel like any time I limp into the service department -- engine smoking and sparks belching from the exauhst pipe -- Mr. Mechanic says something like, "Oh! All you need is this new belt and a bit of chewing gum and your good to go. 50 bucks please."

Today I brought my car in (a few months and a few thousand miles beyond my service warranty) for it's standard oil change service (which by itself is ridiculously high priced) and an hour later the guy started breaking down 10 or 12 other things that weren't broken but "required immediate attention" to the tune of about 2 thousand dollars.

(it's really the end of this clip that's relevant)

Nothing like a swift kick to the nuts to start your morning off.



Thursday, August 16, 2007
Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock

Well the Harry Potter series has finally come to and end. I finished The Deathly Hallows last night and spoiler free to boot. So for all the rest of you who have already finished it it's safe to talk to me again :)




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